Riverside Drive

Riverside Drive is a beautiful running area in Manhattan, New York, offering a unique route along the Hudson River and scenic neighbourhoods.

Here is the route information for running along Riverside Drive:

🏞️ Location: Riverside Drive runs along the west side of Manhattan and you can start your run in any part of it. Many runners choose to start at the north end of Manhattan and work their way south.

🏃‍♀️ Treadmills: There are paved treadmills along Riverside Drive that stretch along the Hudson River. This is a great place for long jogs and runs, and you can choose different distances depending on your fitness level.

🌳 Nature and views: Your workout will be accompanied by beautiful views of the Hudson River, parks and green spaces. The nearby Riverside Park also offers great opportunities to run in a natural setting.

🏙️ Historic Landmarks: There are many historic landmarks along Riverside Drive, such as Grant’s Tomb, that can add interest to your workout.

🚴 Cyclists and hikers: This area is popular with cyclists and hikers, so be aware and considerate of other visitors.

💧 Water Fountains: Parts of Riverside Drive have water fountains that can serve as a source of refreshment while running.

Riverside Drive offers runners the opportunity to enjoy Manhattan’s natural and cultural attractions while exercising.

This route offers beautiful views and a great atmosphere, making it one of the most popular places to run in New York City.

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